Movement for Mutts
Over 80% of Dogs living in Townships and Rural Areas across South Africa are chained. They eat, sleep urinate and defecate in an area usually smaller than 1metre. When speaking to the owners the reasons behind the chaining was often they were fearful of their dogs being stolen and used as bait for dog fighting, being run over by a car, attacking a passerby, getting lost or being hurt by local gangs and kids.
It is devastating seeing the dogs living in these conditions however it is not illegal to chain dogs in South Africa and therefore we do not have the rights to remove the dogs from the environment unless they are severely neglected, malnourished or abused.
Often the case is that these owners are so poor they do not have the resources to confine their dog any other way than by chaining them.
This is where the Movement For Mutts Campaign comes in. By building a fence around the owners property it allows the dog to move around freely within the yard but still remain secure and safe. We strongly believe this will improve the dogs quality of life as many of the dogs suffer from psychological and physiological problems such as frustration, depression, atrophy of muscles and general malease due to the chaining. Imagine being confined to a one metre surrounding for your entire life..
In order to undertake this initiative we need support. For a runner or fencing project we would need items such as poles, cement, wire, hooks, durable strong collar, chain, anchors, fishing swivels, quick links, mesh fencing, cement etc. Each house will vary depending on the structures they already have in place, the size of area and the number of dogs in that yard.
Please consider donating a small amount to this cause. The more funding we recieve the more dogs we can unchain. Please help us make these animals lives more bearable. The before and after pictures of the dogs being unchained will be put up on our Facebook page and Website so you can keep track of where your donation has gone. Thank you for taking the time out to read this.
In instances where the dog has no shelter we also try to provide a kennel and blanket. If you are interested in finding out more about our Kennels for Canines Project please CLICK HERE.
Number of Dogs Unchained So Far….
Kleintjie Unchained
In partnership with H.A.R.T
Lucy Unchained
In partnership with H.A.R.T
Macy Unchained
In Patnership with Mdzananda Animal Clinic (Khayelitsha)
Stokkie Unchained
In Partnership with Second Chance Animal Rescue (S.C.A.R) and F.A.W
In Partnership with Fisantekraal Animal Welfare (F.A.W)
In Partnership with Mitchells Plain Animal Welfare
History: The dogs were kept tied up as the owners house was on a busy road and they didn't want their dogs to get injured. The dogs were taken to the clinic by Vanessa from MPAW, neutered and one was treated with tick bite fever. They didn't have any shelter but with the help of Purple Kennel Project - Cape Town and Emma King they received a new kennel, some food and are now free to roam in a secure home. This Project was sponsored by Animal Kind International.
Storm, Jessie and Whitey Unchained
In Partnership with Chatsworth Animal Project